10 Benefits of Smart Home Technology

Author: David
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October 13, 2023
Smart home technology is being utilized more and more within homes, for various reasons. Whether just one device or an entire network, consumers are taking advantage of its many features and capabilities to protect their homes, property, and loved ones
benfitis smart home
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10 Benefits of Smart Home Technology Smart home technology is being utilized more and more within homes, for various reasons. Whether just one device or an entire network, consumers are taking advantage of its many features and capabilities to protect their homes, property, and loved ones. Whether you’re newly adding this technology, or want to upgrade your current solution, it’s best to work with a provider partnering with a reputable smart technology company, such as Alarm.com. Designed to provide added conveniences, smart home technologies can remotely perform daily tasks such as setting thermostat levels and lighting; checking-in on children, elderly loved ones, and pets; monitoring water and other utilities usage; and more. When synced with activity levels, smart technologies can also track health and wellness goals concerning exercise, nutrition, and medication adherence among others. What Is a Smart Home? According to a 2022 report titled “Households With Smart Home Systems Worldwide 2015-2025” by market and consumer data platform Statista, more than 400 million households will feature smart home systems by 2025. Designed to save time and money for home security and safety, smart homes can remotely automate everyday tasks via internet connection. Imagine being able to close and lock garage doors, dim lights, or adjust interior temperatures from any mobile device or personal computer, regardless of your location. Smart home technology is being utilized more and more within homes, for various reasons. You can even program electronic devices to power on and off to manage usage, or if you simply forgot when rushing out the door. benfitis smart home The Benefits of Smart Technologies As we’ll outline below, smart technologies boast myriad daily living benefits, while also lowering carbon footprints and expenses. Additional perks include improved quality of life and safety. To help avoid costly damages leading to increased premiums, some homeowners’ insurance companies will offer up to 20 percent discounts on yearly policies. Consult your insurance representative for specific discount programs. It’s best to work with a reputable provider such as General Security for more information on smart technology benefits and features. Our highly trained team can explain and craft the best solutions for your home and family. Learn more about some of the most common smart home technology benefits, such as remote monitoring, customization, wellness and safety check-ins, motion detection and video analytics—all of which can be remotely managed through the Alarm.com mobile app.
  1. Easy & Interconnectivity
From smart security systems and speakers to lighting and TVs, linking these connected devices can improve a home’s productivity. Integrating smart home products and systems is also a convenient way to monitor a vast array of home-bound systems. Such interconnectivity enables users to remotely manage and monitor thermostats, review surveillance camera footage, program indoor and outdoor lights, and more, all without having to leave their workplace—or even their kitchen table. This also saves money on utility bills and other household expenses. Read More What are the Advantages of IoT?
  1. Remote Monitoring & Check-Ins
If connected to a mobile device or personal computer, smart homes can be managed from any place, at any time through remote monitoring. This enables real-time check-ins on various elements of your home and property. It’s hard to fully quantify just what that level of security means to users. The true comfort derived from knowing their property and loved ones are safe from threats—such as burglars and vandals, to fire and carbon monoxide—is invaluable. Designed to save time and money for home security and safety, smart homes can remotely automate everyday tasks via internet connection.
  1. Customized Preferences & Settings
Depending on the device, smart products can adjust to match a specific user’s customized preferences or needs. A smart thermostat can modify your home’s temperature based on local weather conditions, making the space more comfortable for its occupants. You can also set “rules” such as turning on lights or music as you arrive home, or for other automated conveniences. Smart sprinklers are another good example. Some models have distinguished zones spanning a property. Customized activation based on sunlight amount and plant types ensures a more effective watering schedule. customise prefrences    
  1. Increased Safety & Real-Time Surveillance
Through the interconnectivity of smart home technology, and real-time surveillance and monitoring, homeowners can know exactly what’s happening, and receive real-time alerts on any questionable occurrences. This includes elements such as alarm systems and security cameras, both of which can be set regarding device arm/disarm, checking that children arrive home safely, and even to ensure a frisky pet is behaving! You’ll also have access to 24/7 Central Station Monitoring providing immediate alerts to your mobile device, and local first responders and emergency personnel—whether you’re home or away.
  1. Health & Wellness Tracking
Checking in on elderly loved ones when you can’t be there provides reassurance regarding safe, independent living. Adding smart technologies, such as wellness and Wellcam facilitates real-time, two-way audio and video communication. These can also be integrated with Alarm.com Wellness Personal Emergency Response Pendants and wristbands for further protection. Read More Mobile and IoT Trends Report 2022
  1. Energy & Utilities Management
As previously mentioned, managing utilities such as heating, cooling, and lighting can save on energy costs. Pre-programming your thermostat to a specific temperature during certain times of the day ensures comfort, while cutting down on waste. Consider smart outlets to manage auto shut-off for electronic devices such as TVs and gaming systems. Smart LED bulbs enable users to turn lights on and off at certain times for security and convenience.
  1. Video Motion Detection
Activating only when motion is detected, this technology saves time, battery life, memory, storage, and energy. Regardless of whether you’re home or away, it notifies of possible suspicious activity within your home or around outdoor areas. Aiming to reduce false notifications whether you’re home or away, adding security cameras with video motion detection (VMD) technology captures customized movement to reduce false positives. You can either program this yourself or enlist a reputable smart technologies provider such as General Security. video motion detection  
  1. Video Analytics Technologies
Perhaps one of the most standout features of smart home automation are video analytics. This advanced technology can be added as another security layer in line with motion detection. Intelligent enough to differentiate among images of animals, humans, or vehicles, it decreases false notifications and deciphers movement to help prevent false alarms. Pre-programmed tripwires and activity zones provide real-time alert triggers to ward off potential intruders, such as activating indoor/outdoor lights. Consider also adding Perimeter Guard from Alarm.com with flashing red lights, sirens and beeps through integrated LEDs and speakers via compatible security cameras.
  1. Appliance Safety & Automatic Shutoffs
Consider implementing smart stove and grill guards for automatic appliance shutoff. This provides real-time monitoring for dangers, which could lead to fires, gas leaks, and propane loss, and injuries caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Placing contact sensors on refrigerators and freezers will provide immediate alerts should someone accidentally leave these open or ajar. Read More IoT security is foundational, not optional
  1. Leak Detection & Flood Sensors
Protecting your home from leaks and flooding is another smart feature. Receive real-time mobile alerts through your system’s leak detection and flood sensors to avoid costly damages before they happen. Adding the Alarm.com Smart Water Valve + Meter provides quick leak and moisture identification ensuring automatic shutoff, along with daily usage insights. Get Smarter & Safer When upgrading or adding smart home technologies, it’s recommended to first decide what’s best for your home and family. A reputable service provider such as General Security can assist with implementing suitable technologies and monitoring components for your individual situation.  

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